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Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital (ACSC)

Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital (ACSC) - Waarschuwing FSMA Belgium - 2019-Jan-08


The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital (ACSC), a company that offers investments services.

Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital (ACSC) is not allowed to provide investment services in or from Belgium.

Moreover, according to the information available to the FSMA, it could be a so-called ‘boiler room’ fraud. More information on this form of fraud is available in the general warning published by the FSMA on 8 January 2019.

The FSMA therefore strongly advises against responding to any offer of financial services made by Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital (ACSC), and against transferring money to any account number it might mention.

Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital (ACSC) uses the website and the following contact details:

Addresses: Jiaming Center, 27 East Third Ring Road North, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100020, China

Huarong Bldg, 178 Mintian Rd, Futian, Shenzhen, 518048, China

Ote Center Building, 1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100- 0004, Japan

Emails: ; and

Tel.: +86 108 587 2369; +86 105 775 0497; +81 345 902 857

It also uses bank accounts, which it claims were opened in the name of Harmonic Global Limited, Blackheath Solutions Ltd, Cavatina Worldwide Limited and Drayton Solutions Limited respectively.

Would you like to enquire more generally as to whether a transaction being proposed complies with the financial legislation? Please use the search function on the FSMA website. You can also contact the FSMA directly via the consumer contact form.

2019-08-27, Public warning by FSCA South Africa against Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital:

FSCA Press Release 27 August 2019

FSCA warns the public against Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital

The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) would like to warn the public not to deal
with an entity called Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital. Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital is
not authorised in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002
( "FAIS Act "), to render any financial advice and intermediary services.

The FSCA was informed that Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital has been offering
investments to customers. Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital is based in China and there
is no record of application by this entity to be registered as an authorised financial
services provider (FSP) or any existing license issued by the Authority. Therefore, it is
FSCA’s view that Ashcroft Cohen Strategic Capital is conducting unregistered business
and providing advisory and intermediary services without the necessary authorisation.

Any consumer who wishes to conduct financial services with an institution or person to
check beforehand with the FSCA on either the toll free number (0800 110 443) or on as to whether or not such institution or person is authorised to render any
financial services.


Enquiries: Financial Sector Conduct Authority
Email address:
Telephone: 012 367 7883