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GM Litigation Assistance - Financial Risk Management, Financial Forensic Investigation & Legal Support

Öffentliche Betrugswarnung – Verbraucherwarnung!

Amstrad-Wealth S.A.

Amstrad-Wealth S.A. - Warnung CSSF Luxembourg - 2014-Dec-02

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of the activities
of the entities named AMG-Clients S.A. (website and Amstrad-
Wealth S.A. (website which claim to be established at 3, rue Thomas
Edison, L-1535 Luxembourg-Strassen.
The CSSF informs the public that AMG-Clients S.A. and Amstrad-Wealth S.A. have not been
granted the required authorisation to offer financial services in or from Luxembourg.
Luxembourg, 2 December 2014